Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vacation Time!

We have been gone on a super fun 3 week vacation to Grandma and Grandpa's in Medford, OR! I took so many pictures, it is impossible to put them all on here, but if you are on facebook, check out my photos there.

Here are a few highlights from our trip..... We hiked Table Rock and on the way there, we had to visit the Oak Savannah, where our Savannah was so excited to find her name on a sign!
The view from the top!

Joshua made his driving debut (which was the highlight of his trip)!

We rafted the Rogue River which runs in front of Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Chris wasn't supposed to be able to come with us, but he surprised us all by driving across country in 2 days (that's 2900 miles in just over 48 hrs!) to spend a week with us! The kids were all glad to see their was I!!!

Since we haven't been in several years, this was Savannah's first trip down the river.

We did the waterfall hike with Grandma. Savannah got stung by a bee on her ankle, so it put a damper on her hike, but the kids were so impressed with Chris and his ability to pack mud on her bite. Samuel said "So when you get to be a scout you learn how to put mud on people? COOL!!!

We visited the airport and toured a military aircraft.....
where I snapped this AWESOME pic of Shelby looking out the window!

We spent quality time with cousins when Aunt Mandy's family spent the week with us. We set up the tent in the backyard for all the boys to sleep in!

Savannah and Gracie became best friends for life!

We played in the river nearly every day! The boys were working on making a water slide, but the rocks weren't nearly as soft as a real water slide!

We spent a day at the fun center with cousins where we had a massive family waterfight!
This is what happens when boys get together......

Shelby, Caleb and Joshua LIVED on the go kart track!

Best friend twins again....could this be dork twins, part 2???
We were fortunate to have such a beautiful place to spend our vacation! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Swim Champs

It was a great night at Swim Champs for our boys! Joshua swam in two relays and breaststroke. He placed 10th and 13th in his relays and 18th in his breaststroke. He improved his time by more than 5 seconds! We were so proud of him!
Samuel was so excited to go to champs! This is his second year and he was ready to swim! He competed in 2 relays, freestyle, butterfly, and breaststroke. He was a little too excited in his first relay and took off slightly before his teammate touched the wall, causing the team to DQ. In freestyle, he took 2nd place, losing first by .02 seconds! (His coach was SURE that he touched the wall first and won it, but that's another story!) Still, 2nd place out of 38 of the best swimmers in the league is something to cheer about!
In butterfly, Samuel placed 2nd again. He was incredible! Then he took on his favorite event....breastroke! Unfortunately, he DQ'ed in that because his kick sequence was off on his start. His final event of the night was another relay and his team placed 8th. All in all, it was a fun night and we are a little sad that swim season is over!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Last Day With The Fuller's

We have spent the past year having lots of fun with the Fuller Family while they lived in our area for their dad's orthopedic fellowship program. We have had sleepovers, campouts, Sunday night dinners, days at the pool and more games of "ghost in the graveyard" than we can count! We were blessed to have Dr. Fuller around when Joshua broke his arm a few months ago, and Joshua wouldn't go to anyone but him for the cast! We spent our last day together at Krispy Kreme enjoying the best donuts in the world! As you can see, Joshua ate a few too many.....

Shea and Samuel
Joshua, Haley and Caleb
Savannah and Trevor
We will miss our friends, but we are so excited for them to finally start their life in Colorado after years of medical school and residency! Good luck!