Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Acorn Math

We have had a very dry summer, so fall is coming a little early here. For the last few weeks, acorns have been falling with a vengeance from our oak trees! Today, Savannah and I took advantage of our bounty and spent the morning doing "Acorn Math"!

She had so much fun using acorns as manipulatives and we learned a lot of cool things about squirrels too!


Julie said...

I suppose after four other kids you've seen enough worksheets sent home to start making up your own. You should send in your ideas to the school to be published and used in all Chesterfield County pre-k programs...there's your part-time job!

Sonda said...

I love real life math. We've used legos, skittles (and other candy), Hot Wheels cars and pennies, but never acorns. What fun!

Jodi said...

What a great idea - the only thing in abundance in my front yard is dead grass! ;)