Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Keeping Christ in Christmas

I have had so much fun collecting nativities over the years and displaying them at Christmastime. I think it is a neat way for our family to remember the true meaning of Christmas. I find that I am currently collecting non-breakable nativities as they are the ones that will survive my active family! Anyway, here are a few of the nativities that are brightening our Christmas this year.

Merry Christmas!


J Bailey said...

you can have your own cheste display! It waqs this weekend by the way. And as always it was great!!!! It is fun to see some of my favorites!!! You have some great ones!!!!!!!!!!!
miss you guys.

Jodi said...

You have a great collection! I bought the neatest little nativity in Mexico - all made out of tin and hand painted - I can't wait to get home and set it up!