Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother's Day Poetry Reading

Joshua's 5th grade class held a special Mother's Day Poetry Reading the Friday before Mother's Day. When I arrived at his classroom, Joshua escorted me to my seat and then got a plate of refreshments (a cupcake, cookie and chocolates) and a drink. Then the children each took a turn reading a poem they had written about their mom. They made a card with an embroidered picture on the front (mine was a bird) during part of their study of India and then put the poem inside.

Here is the poem Joshua wrote for me:
Your personality and beauty
Makes people
Want to be with you,
Including me.

Your elegant dark hair
Sparkles in the sunlight,
As the sun's rays

The sound of you humming
On a warm summer day,
Makes me think of
Angels singing from above.

As I look
Into your dark brown eyes,
I sense the warmth
That only you provide.


Heidi Crosby said...

That's a really sweet poem. I bet it makes all the other mothering moments feel worth it. I like pay days like that!

Rachel said...

That poem is amazing! What a cute idea to have thge moms come for the night.