Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What I Am Thankful For....by Joshua

Joshua taught our Family Home Evening lesson last night on gratitude and shared something he had written at school. With his permission, I wanted to post it on my blog, because any time an 11 year old kid can show gratitude, it is absolutely newsworthy!

I am thankful for my dad and mom, so they can provide for me. Also I am thankful for my dad not being laid off in these hard times. I am thankful for my mom because she cleans the house and makes dinner. I am thankful for a house to sleep in and clothes to wear. I am thankfulr for my family as they encourage me to choose the right.

I am thankful for sports, so I can stay fit and have fun at the same time. I am thankful for school and my many teachers as they try to get me to succeed. I am thankful for the armed forces and police officers, so I can live in a free and safe environment. I am thankful for trees, so that I can breathe clean air. I am thankful for beaches, so that I can play and make sand castles and spend time with my family.

I am thankful for rocks, boulders and mountains, so I can climb them and collect them. I am thankful for the sun, so I can stay warm. I am thankful for mashed potatoes and gravy, so I can enjoy a delicious meal. I am thankful for leaves, so I can do service by raking other people's lawns. I am thankful for snow and how beautiful it looks with no footprints in it. I am thankful for who I am.

---by Joshua

Let me just add, we are oh so thankful for Joshua! He is a great young man! I can always count on him when I need something done. Just this last week he has volunteered to rake our leaves, cut the grass and peel 8 lbs. of potatoes for me! It is important to him to be honest and do the right thing. He is a responsible, motivated kid who will grow up to be an incredible missionary one day! :)


Darla said...

He IS an amazing kid, Janine! We are grateful for Joshua, too. (;

Rachel said...

Send him my direction please he seems to be a better influence than Shannons boys lol!!