Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cooking Mama

Who needs video games and easy bake ovens when you can be the REAL thing?!! For Christmas, Savannah got the cutest apron and several packages of Betty Crocker mixes (muffins, brownies, and cookies). She has absolutely loved cooking and it has been fun for mom to spend time with her!
It was one of her favorite gifts! (Ours too, for that matter, because we all get to sample her creations!)


Tricia said...

I love it! What a great gift idea!!

Rachel said...

Thats a total Janine stance! Those have to be 100 times better than easy bake stuff

Heidi Crosby said...

That's a great idea. I might use it here in a few years when Marika can read and crack an egg without me getting really worried!