Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mormon Prom

Caleb's first big date dance was a few weeks ago. He asked a very cute girl named Sarah to go to Mormon Prom with him. I tried my best to get him to ask in a creative way, but in the end he resorted to a phone call when he saw her post of facebook debating whether she should go to the dance alone or not! Guess he thought it was now or never!

Savannah and I went out when he picked her up.....I went to take pictures and Savannah went to see her fancy dress! Sarah did not disappoint because she had chosen a dress in Savannah's favorite color--PINK!

I love that they try to keep the cost down for the kids for Mormon Prom. They provide a dinner before the dance and then the dance itself. They had a really good time together and I think they made a pretty cute couple!
I found myself worried about all kinds of things as I sent my son out on his date that I never worried about with my daughter.....
Would he be a gentleman and remember to open the doors for her?
Would she stand back and wait and encourage him to be a gentleman if he did forget?
Would she be gracious and gentle with his heart and help him to feel like she wanted to be out with him? (Boy did I experience some guilt here over some not so stellar dates that I went on when I wanted to be sure that the guy knew that I didn't LIKE you know, girlfriend like! Now I realize that I should have treated them like they were worth being with and they were important.)
Oh, I would have loved to sit in while she told her mom about the date when it was over! As the mom of a boy, all I get to hear is "It was fun."
" was fun, mom."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's Mormon but forgot panties because she got a wet pussy and gotta bust balls