Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Can't Believe It's Over

Our first ever season of lacrosse was a resounding success! Nevermind that we had to travel 45 min. each way to practices or spend $100 on lacrosse gear.....Joshua had a GREAT time! Back in January when Joshua's best friend's dad invited him to be part of his lacrosse team, I initially thought NO WAY! We lived too far away and I didn't want something else taking over my life. It seemed undoable (I don't even know if that's a word, but I like it, so I am using it)! But over the next few days, I felt unsettled with my decision. I started to see Joshua as a child always standing in the background to Samuel's successes. I realized that by always putting these two boys in the same sports to save time and stress for me, I wasn't helping them to each develop individually and gain self-esteem. I felt these undeniable promptings from the Spirit that I needed to let Joshua shine in his own way. No one in our family had ever played lacrosse....quite honestly, I knew nothing about it. I called Joshua's friend's dad back and we talked about how we could make this work. He was so gracious to offer to let Joshua come home with Nate after school on practice days so we would only need to pick him up at the end of practice. He also arranged to get us a helmet to borrow which saved us over $100 on gear. Joshua went to the first practice and immediately fell in love with this new sport! Each week he has improved....he learned and played new positions, he bettered his ball handling skills, he assisted on several goals and even scored quite a few times himself. He was so proud of his accomplishments!

I have to say, I am a minimizer; I pride myself on how I can live life with the least amount of stress while still managing a family of five kids. Lacrosse was one of those times when I stepped out of my comfort zone and took on more than I previously would. Did it complicate my life? Sure. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! I am thankful that this time I was able to listen to the inspiration I received about my kids; it doesn't always happen that way, you know? I have so enjoyed watching Joshua's growth and I know this was something that he really needed!


Jodi said...

Congrats to Joshua - sounds like he did well!
I understand what you mean about living simply...but sometimes with 5 kids, we just can't do that! And I think you're right - one day we will miss these busy days!!
I am realizing that with Brad leaving home in a week - I'm so sad and teary all of the time. I miss it already! :(

Rachel said...

So glad he loved it. It is becoming such a big sport. It was nothing 6 years ago.