Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Homemaker By Choice

I get phone calls periodically from a local market research company that hires people to participate in focus group studies. They usually go through a series of screening questions to determine if you qualify and then they choose people to participate. I signed up about a year ago, but I haven't had a chance yet to participate in a focus group. Yesterday they called again and went through the questions for the latest study......

Researcher: "Do you work full or part time?"
Me: "I don't work."
Researcher: "So you are a homemaker then?"
Me: "Yes"
Researcher: "Are you a homemaker by choice?"

I paused and a smile played across my lips. A homemaker by choice?
What else would I be?!!!

You see, it's been a rough couple of weeks around my house.....ones that I don't care to repeat any time soon; or ever again, for that matter. Things have gone from bad to worse.....and worse.....and yet again worse. I have spent many sleepless nights and more time on my knees in prayer than I ever thought possible. Homemaking and motherhood are not for the faint of heart. It's a thankless job and I don't think there is any way I could do it if I wasn't in it wholeheartedly!

Fifteen and a half years ago, with the encouragement of my husband, I made my choice.....to walk away from a career and be a mother and a homemaker. It has not been easy; it has been the hardest thing I have ever done. But it has been worth the sacrifice. I have laid a foundation of faith for my children that they cannot deny. (Not that they won't try, mind you; I do believe in agency!) I have devoted my life to my family and they are everything to me.

Yes, I am a homemaker by choice.

Thank you to the researcher who reminded me.....I needed to hear that this week.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Look Out Michael Phelps......Here Comes Your Competition!

It was YMCA Swim Champs this weekend and Samuel walked away with personal best times in all his events. He got two gold medals, a silver medal, and a bronze medal. He also took 7th place with his relay team. Chris and Caleb were camping with the boy scouts, but they were able to make it for the last 2 races. Way to go Samuel, we are so proud of you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Somehow The Pain Feels Better.....

When it's camouflaged!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Why You Should Always Keep the Sabbath Day Holy.....

It was such a nice day here on Sunday; it was almost 80 degrees! We had a wonderful time at church and Caleb was ordained as a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood. Uncle James brought Ashtyn, Brady, and JT and they all stayed and ate lunch with us. (Bad Mommy forgot to take pictures.....sorry guys!)

We were invited to an Elder's Quorum Ice Cream Social in the evening and the kids were so excited to go because it was being held at a house in our neighborhood. We haven't been to Elder's Quorum activities since Shelby and Caleb were little because Chris is in the High Priests Group, so we usually end up with the older folks who don't have any kids at a much more mellow social......so needless to say, this was exciting for our kids to go to! Of course there were lots of kids, lots of ice cream, and a trampoline in the backyard (where all the kids with their bowls of ice cream got sent so they wouldn't spill in the house) and well, it was a perfect recipe for disaster! Usually we don't let our kids jump on Sundays, but what do you do when everyone else is?!!! Besides, we had already broken our own rule and let them jump earlier with their cousins since it was a special occasion. Anyway, Joshua got pushed when he was getting off the trampoline and ended up breaking both bones in his arm, the ulna and the radius, near his wrist. We were lucky to have two orthopedic doctors there (one is a resident, the other is completing his fellowship), so he was well taken care of and splinted and sent off to the ER for x-rays.
Savannah is forever the sweet little sister, so this morning she brought down Joshua's chess set and said she was going to play with him. We all know she has no idea how to play or what the rules are, but she was happy to entertain him and he was even gracious and let her win!

So now we wait for the swelling to go down and then he can get a cast put on. We have decided that maybe we are too old for Elder's Quorum socials after all!

Monday, March 2, 2009

It Happens About Once Every Ten Years.......

Wow! Can a picture say a thousand words? We couldn't believe our eyes as it kept snowing and snowing and snowing! I played outside with the kids last night and even helped them build a snowman (good thing we did that last night because this morning the snow was too powdery and wouldn't even pack!) We pulled out the unused sleds from the attic that have been waiting years for this day and played our hearts out! This is the first big snowstorm for Samuel and Savannah, so it has been a magical wondrous thing! I have a roaring fire in the fireplace, a pot of hot chicken and dumplings on the stove, and wet snowy clothes hanging to dry in the basement! It doesn't get much better than this!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Did Someone Say SNOW?!!!

I was shocked to find out at church today that the local stations were forecasting snow....ALOT of snow! I had an extremely busy weekend and had to teach the lesson in Relief Society, so I really hadn't had time to watch the news. Anyway, about 5:00 pm today, the snow started! And it snowed and snowed and snowed! We are expecting 6-10 inches before it is done! I took the kids out and went sledding and built a snowman. It was GREAT!!! I am such a kid when it comes to snow! No pictures tonight, but when I get my camera charged tomorrow, I will be sure to put them on!