Sunday, January 17, 2010

One Dancing Princess

We went to Savannah's dance studio for parent's day so that we could see what she has been learning. I was especially looking forward to this because whenever I ask her to show me what they learned at dance she can't remember anything!
It was good to see that she WAS actually learning something and I haven't been wasting our money!

I really had to hold myself back, because I would have LOVED to be out there dancing too! I always wanted to take dance classes as a little girl, but there was never enough money. When I went to college, I took beginning jazz as a PE class and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!
As you will see in the video, grace is not something that comes naturally to our family, but hey, that's why she's in dance class!

1 comment:

Heidi Crosby said...

Hi Janine, I came across your blog through Darla's. I hope you don't mind. I got a kick out of Savannah's ballet video. It just made me smile. Little girls are great! You have such a nice family. I've thought that since I met you.