Sunday, July 4, 2010

It All Started With a Piano.....

A few months ago, my youngest sister, Rachel, surprised us all when she called to say she was moving out of the country. Not that she doesn't move, mind you....she moves enough that her blog's address is actually "didwemoveagain"! But out of the country??? Well, that was different than just across the country (which she HAS done TWICE!). Anyway, she has had a baby grand piano that she has moved with her on all her many moves, but this time it was not going. She called me and offerred to send it to my house if we could pay to move it here. My kids have progressed so far at the piano, that it was time for me to step up from the spinet that we were blessed to get for $200 8 years ago. And the prospect of a baby grand for the cost of moving (which wasn't cheap by any means, but was still cheaper than buying a new piano) was too good to pass up. Soooooo....somehow that got the ball rolling and Chris and I decided to replace the disgustingly nasty white carpet that we have lived with for 3 1/2 years because it would be a lot harder to do once we had a baby grand piano in the living room. And well, then that turned into "perhaps we should repaint the living room" which encouraged "I think the dining room needs a new coat of paint" which then morphed into "wow, the foyer paint has a hideous green hue....we better repaint that too"! So.....
FOUR months, one major remodel, and $4500 later, my husband can tease me that this is the most expensive free piano we were ever given! Oh, and the foyer is still waiting to be repainted....
And I am hearing beautiful music from my living room! I love it! Thank you Rachel, we will take good care of your "baby".


Tricia said...

Yay!! It all looks beautful.

Darla said...

Can I PLEASE come over and play it?! So beautiful!! Btw, I have a song that I'd love to hear Shelby sing in Sac. Mtg. She can sing it solo or I'll sing it with her. Whatever she wants. (;