Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Hate Strep!!!!

Chris got strep a few weeks ago and I was so glad that he was away on a business trip and could be isolated in his hotel room while he got better rather than being here with us sharing his germs. Unfortunately, Caleb still got strep...... In all fairness, it is that time of year and it is running rampant in the schools, and it has been two weeks since Chris had it, so he probably did not give it to Caleb. I still hate it though! I turn into the psycho sanitizing mommy, carrying around my bottle of clorox cleanup and wiping down every surface. I throw out toothbrushes and toothpaste (although my last doctor told me we could just throw the toothbrushes in the dishwasher on sanitizing cycle) and by the time strep has run it's course through the family, we have spent about $1000 on doctor visits, medicine, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. I have had it twice now.....never did get strep as a child that I can remember.....and it is the most miserable disease anyone could ever have! I try to avoid it at all costs! So now my hands are raw from cleaning and chemicals and repeated washings in the hope of avoiding that nasty little germ! Wish me luck!


Jodi said...

I'm so sorry j9! That's miserable for you and the kids!! Hope you are on the mend soon :)

J9 said...

Sorry, I didn't really specify....I haven't had strep THIS time (well, yet anyway!) Just Chris and Caleb so far. I am hoping to keep it to them!

Sonda said...

Yuck! I had it a bunch as a kid, but so far it has never(knock on wood) come through our house. I consider us very lucky as I see it go through every other house around us. I hope nobody else gets it.