Tuesday, July 5, 2011


While we were playing here at home, the boys were having a blast at scout camp! Joshua came home and could not wait to tell me about his experience on "THE BLOB"! If you click on the picture, it will enlarge it. Then look very closely, slightly to the right of the blob and higher up than the tower, there is a small peachish colored ball. THAT would be Joshua! He believes he was "blobbed" higher than any other person at scout camp this week! His assistant scoutmaster who weighs about 4x Joshua's weight jumped off the tower and landed on the blob, sending Joshua sky high into the air! Because I am a mother, my first thought was "you could have died!" Sometimes it is a good thing that moms do not go to scout camp!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That is so funny and sounds so much like you! Brings back memories of ACE camping. Oh man now I miss you more sniff sniff :(