Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On Being GOOD....

Some children are born with just a little bit more mischief in them than others! While deep down inside, they really want to be good, life is just so enticing! Natural curiosity seems to get the better of them more often than not......and that often leads to getting in trouble! My 9 year old Samuel is one of those children.
He has spent his life learning how to BE GOOD, how to TAKE TURNS, and how NOT TO BREAK THINGS! It has been a learning experience for him AND for me as his mother! So the following conversation had extra significance when Samuel and I were talking in the car yesterday....
Samuel: I can't wait for Christmas!
Me: Why not? You must think you've been extra good this year.
Samuel: Well Mom, I think this is MY BEST YEAR SO FAR!!!!
Not only did I have to laugh, but I had to agree with him! Samuel, this absolutely IS your BEST YEAR SO FAR! I love you and I am so glad that I have been able to be your mom. Your joy, excitement and zest for life can always make me smile! If that means a few broken windows, dishes and beds along the way, I will take the good with the bad and love you even more!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You need to our this up on your fridge so you remember when you start to yell that you love his "zest for life"