Monday, September 27, 2010

Pom Pom Day

Savannah was so excited this weekend to finally have Daddy home to watch her cheer at the football game! Between camping with the scouts and driving other kids where they needed to go, he hasn't been able to come to one of her games yet. And she IS a daddy's girl.....if you can't tell!
It also just so happened to be the day they gave the girls pom poms for the first time! If you have never been a 6 year old cheerleader, you have NO idea how incredibly exciting this is! The girls came back from their half-time show and lined up on the track to cheer and the coaches started pulling out pom poms. You would have thought it was Christmas! The girls were squealing with excitement!
We noticed that the pom poms actually hide a world of mistakes! Savannah is not known for her rhythm....or her exactness....but pom poms actually make her look like a better cheerleader! And doesn't she just have that "cheerleader look"?


Rachel said...

We liked pom poms for that same reason!

Anonymous said...

like to get in her panties, wow!

Anonymous said...