Saturday, June 11, 2011


With much pomp and circumstance, and a healthy dose of drama, Shelby graduated from high school today (along with 457 of her classmates....gotta love big schools)! The processional started with these amazing bagpipes! I love the sound and the mood it creates.

Followed by the color guard......

and a sea of purple......

With such a large class, it took a while to get to her name. Here she is waiting (she's the one adjusting her white sash) for her turn to go up.


Unfortunately, like I mentioned earlier, there has been more than a little drama. Deciding that she would be better off out on her own, Shelby moved out about 2 weeks ago. Sadly, it has taken away a lot of the joy that parents typically feel at graduation and has cast a bit of a damper on the graduation activities for us. We have still attended all of her events (some that she chose to attend and others that she did not) and taken pictures to document the occassion for her. We have struggled with her decision, but realize that she has agency to make her own choices. It is our hope that she can have all the experiences that she needs to have to learn the things that she needs to learn. We will watch (and worry) anxiously from the sidelines and hope to see her succeed.

Ahhhhh, the joys of parenting.....

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