Monday, October 20, 2008

Race Against Time

It appears we are in a race against time with our garden and Mother Nature is NOT cooperating. I have 15 cantaloupes happily growing and we had our first frost last night. After watching the news at 11 pm, I decided that I needed to go out and try to cover my garden So I climbed out of my warm and cozy bed, bundled up in my jammies and a big coat, and grabbed all the sheets I could find in our linen closet to cover up what I could of the cantaloupe plants. I decided to go ahead and pick the one cantaloupe that had been growing the longest and smelled like a cantaloupe, hoping it would be ready. Unfortunately, it was not as ripe as I had hoped, but it tasted good enough to give us something to hope for. Now I just have to patiently wait it out and be sure to cover up the garden on frosty nights! Wish me luck!

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