Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Busy Life.....

Who knew that life would get crazier once my kids could all dress themselves, sleep through the night, feed themselves, and be potty-trained? I guess I just always thought that my life would be better once I wasn't all mired down in the day-to-day mayhem that accompanies caring for young children. I looked forward to the stage of life where a trip to the store wouldn't require scheduling around naptime, feeding schedules, and packing a full diaper bag....including a change of clothes for everyone involved! I knew I would miss holding and rocking my newborn babies, but I never realized how much I would miss the simplicity of life with young children. This will sound crazy to my friends who envy me being able to run errands without a tantrum or two from the backseat, but guess what? You will miss these mundane tasks and the innocence of childhood! All too quickly, my oldest children have grown into teenagers who require an amazing amount of time and emotional energy from me. I am beginning to realize that it never gets easy.....parenting is for a lifetime! There are days I really get discouraged with choices my children are making and then there are days when I am amazed at their potential. I keep having to remind myself that someday I will look back at life with teenagers nostalgically, just like I am looking back at life with toddlers! All I can say is ENJOY THE JOURNEY. Treasure each moment and be grateful for the memories you are making every day.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

AMEN! I can totally relate and have had many of the same feelings! One of my favortie quotes is from Marjorie Hinckley "Have joy in your home, have joy in your husband, have joy in your children, be grateful for the journey!"