Saturday, June 21, 2008

To Be a Mom

Sometimes in the craziness of everyday life, it is easy to forget how great it is to be a mom! I know what it feels like to beg and plead for children and then to have your hopes dashed when pregnancies don't turn out the way you had hoped. I also know the peace and love you feel when you know your prayers have been answered; not on your time or in the way you thought they would be, but in the way that the Lord knows is best for you. I consider each one of my children to be a blessing and a gift from God. I have a friend named Heather who lives around the corner from me who has been trying for years to have children. She has been through struggles with infertility and the ups and downs of adoption. Just a month ago it seemed like it was all for nothing and her hopes were dashed once again. Our ward fasted and prayed that doors would be open and Heather and Selwyn would be able to adopt their girls. So many prayers have been offered on Heather's behalf and I know that God answered those prayers. She is now in Vietnam picking up her twins and something that seemed unreachable is in her arms. Check out Heather's blog to see pictures. I can't think of anyone who deserves this more! In my book, Heather was already the greatest mom in the world, even before she got the twins. Sometimes the best moms are those who have to wait the longest to realize their dreams. Congratulations Heather!

1 comment:

The Porter Family said...

I hope all goes smoothly for your friend. She sounds like a wonderful person.