Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Fun Begins!

After a hectic, crazy weekend, my family size is now down to four! Chris was called as scoutmaster a few weeks ago and he was thrilled to find out that he was just in time to go on the 50 mile hike with the scouts this week. So we spent Saturday running around getting last minute supplies for Chris and Caleb to take on their hike. After a final weighing of the backpacks, Chris' weighs in at 32 lbs. and Caleb's weighed 20 lbs. In my opinion, that is WAY too heavy to carry for 50 miles, but what do I know?!!!! All I can say is I hope they have fun and I am so glad its them and not me!

In the midst of all the craziness, I stopped in at Home Depot to pick up some plants for the garden. Our next door neighbors have cleared all the trees out of their backyard so that they can actually get enough sun to garden. We really wanted to take ours out, but the $6000 price tag for tree removal was a lot more than we wanted to pay! So our neighbors caught me in the yard last week and said they had saved us a few rows in their garden if we wanted to plant something. It is a little late to start from seed, so I went out and bought cucumbers, tomatoes, yellow squash, watermelon and cantaloupe and planted them all this weekend. I am so thankful for the kindness of neighbors who share their land with us! Wish me luck on my little garden!

Today Shelby left for EFY with a group of girls from our ward. After packing and repacking till the wee hours of the morning, she still managed to get out the door without a towel or pillow! Luckily one of the girls had extra, so she is well taken care of! I hope that she has the time of her life and meets some great people!


Jodi said...

What a great post brought tears to my eyes. Isn't motherhood wonderful? You get them to this age and then you get to worry about some of the choics they are making. I think you are doing the right thing by sending her. She is sure to be touched in a setting like that. We will be praying with you!
(Chek out a couple of talks on tape by John Bytheway. The first one is "How to be totally miserable" and the second one is called "No Brainers". You can download them at and burn them to a cd. They are great! he is so funny and really gets on the kids level) GOOD LUCK!

Sonda said...

John Bytheway is by far the BEST speaker for teens. EFY is a great place and you can't help but feel the spirit (even if you don't recognize it as the spirit). Hang in there an keep loving her. Heavenly Father is pulling for both of you, too.