Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Did you?
I went to the polls at 8:40 and finished up by 9:00 a.m. I was voter #904 which is amazing considering our polling place typically averages 500-700 voters per election! My husband tried to go when polls opened this morning at 6:00 a.m. and was promptly discouraged due to the incredibly long lines. Apparently the early morning people had an hour plus wait!

I voted for McCain/Palin. My dad would never tell us who he voted for or even if he was Democrat or Republican for that matter. I think he lost an opportunity to share his values with his children, along with a sense of civic responsibility, but he will probably disagree with me and that's okay. I am not a political activist. You will not recieve political emails from me telling the world how I vote. But you are here on my blog, in my home (in a sense), so I will share with you the main reasons why I voted the way I did. I respect John McCain. I appreciate the person he is and I trust his judgement. I agree with his views on abortion and the war. I like the fact that he has a large family, like me. I like Sarah Palin. She is fiesty and fun and personable. I like that she gave birth to a child with Down's Syndrome rather than choosing to abort him. I think she is a little rough around the edges and she has made mistakes, and if the truth be told, I really hoped that Mitt Romney would be the VP candidate, but I still voted for McCain/Palin.

America is a great country. Today I went to the polls and spent 20 minutes in line to vote my choice. I did not have to fear for my life. I did not have people with guns forcing me to vote one way or another. I did not have to worry about my family while I was away. There are so many things that we take for granted here, and today I am especially grateful for my freedom.

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet little Savannah who celebrates her birthday on election day this year!


The Porter Family said...

Way to go Janine! I voted today, too and as a sign that I am getting older, I felt a great sense of joy and priviledge in knowing that I CAN vote! I am grateful for the founding fathers and pilgrims who came here knowing that they could do better... and did! And now, I am the lucky recipient of that! I voted McCain/Palin, too. My vote would have been Romney, but I appreciate McCain/Palin for the same reasons you do. They most closely represent my values. (I have NOTHING in common with Obamas values or ideas.) I love Sarah Palin for NOT getting that abortion when 90% of women who find out that they have a down syndrom baby do. It is hard to find a female public figure who seems to be family oriented. I am usually a very private person, but in this case, I felt it was important to say who I was supporting. Anyway, way to be patriotic and vote today!

Shannon said...

I have to say I agree with you on parents sharing their views & enlightening their children. I had a really good talk with mine about the issues & why I was voting the way I did. At 17 I left home not understanding anything about the political process & not knowing if I was a Democrat or Republican...or for that matter, what my parents were!

Shelby said...

i actually have to disagree. i think its better NOT to let your kids know your voting opinions. its better to have them figure out for themselves how they want to vote then to have something bred into them.