Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's All Fun and Games UNTIL......

Someone gets their head cracked open!

Samuel and Chris were racing into church on Sunday and got in a little scuffle at the door. (This is what too much Halloween candy does to one little boy and his dad!) Samuel fell and hit his head on the metal doorstop and I ended up at the immediate care with him for all of church. Four stitches later, Samuel is one BRAVE little boy and I am so proud of him!


Julie said...

Oh MAN! I didn't even know this happened until they announced it in RS! I was wondering where you were, but I figured you had things to take care of. I am SOOO sorry that happened to Samuel! If it makes you feel any better I was giving haircuts to my boys and one of them took the #2 off of the clippers and I started in with bare clippers so Parker now has a part of his head that looks a little like Samuels - minus the stitches and blood - I'm glad it wasn't worse...or that it happened to Chris. He might not have been so brave! By the way...have you had a camera implanted in your body somewhere? How come you're always able to get pics? Keep up the good work!

Sonda said...

UGH! Are you sure they weren't just trying to get out of going to church? But really, that looks awful. I'm glad it wasn't any worse.