Sunday, November 2, 2008

Whistle While You Work

One of the things I took away from Women's Conference this year was that we need to take pictures of our family working. We have lots of pictures of fun things like holidays and special occasions, but we don't document our kids working. Well, we had a family workday on Saturday, so here I give you our family at work!

I had to laugh because I would give Savannah jobs to do and she would say "But mommy, I just want to look beautiful." Whatever!!!!


Rachel said...

I can't believe this little princess is part of your family! What a good idea to get these pics.

Shelby said...

um NO!
do not encourage her. i told her she could take as many pics as she liked as long as i wasn't in them. and what does she do? SHE TAKES ONE! then i tell her NOT to put it up on her blog and WHAT DO I SEE????
yeah. moms.