Saturday, September 13, 2008

Camping with the Ward

Last night we went to our ward preparedness campout. All summer long, the activities committee has been holding classes on "How to make your 72-hour kits" and last night we got to test them out. I haven't been to a ward campout since we left Utah ten years ago, so we thoroughly enjoyed camping with friends from our ward.

The weather forecast called for rain, and a lot of people cancelled because we all know camping with kids in the rain is not a fun experience, but we ended up with great weather!

Last night we gathered around the campfire and then today there were classes on fishing and cooking that I really enjoyed. The kids had a great time staying up late, playing with friends, fishing in the pond, exploring the woods, and eating up all the smores!


Shannon said...

Maybe we should plan a camping trip in November! Sounds like you had fun!

Jodi said...

That sounds like such a fun idea! I think we may need to implement that in our ward~thanks for sharing

Julie said...

From one who pooped out because of the weather...I'm glad you had a fun time!