Thursday, October 2, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have felt pretty blah lately and I am sure it has something to do with me not getting enough sleep. I take care of the necessities around the house and with my kids, but I really don't seem to have energy to do much of anything extra. Exercise is not the answer because I have been walking every morning. I could be eating a little better, but I believe that has something to do with how tired I am because I seem to crave sweets and chocolate about midafternoon when I am completely exhausted and desperately in need of a nap. I am sure that it all boils down to S-L-E-E-P!

Try as I might, I cannot get to sleep any earlier at night. The kids seem to have something every night between church, school and extra-curriculars that puts us getting home after 9 p.m., then it takes a while to get everyone settled and down in bed. If I have enough energy, I try to do a quick loading of the dishwasher and wipe down of the counters (which are usually still dirty from dinner because we rushed out the door to get somewhere as soon as we finished eating) and then I fall into bed around 10:30 or 11 p.m. My 5:20 a.m. wake-up call comes too early for my liking. I know lots of people survive on less sleep, but I am one who has always needed at least 8 hours or I am grouchy. Needless to say, I am spending alot of time grouchy!


Sonda said...

Janine, you need to take a break. It's okay to sleep in a little and forego the walking for a day or two until you're feeling better. Where's Chris? Get him to help run kids around or do some laundry or dishes. And for heaven's sake, TAKE A NAP BEFORE THE KIDS GET HOME!!!

LoveYaMissYa said...

I hear you there. I am also one that needs lots of sleep. Napping is my best friend too... especially if the kids are gone, or even just watching a movie! Try to get some more sleep, you deserve it!

Jodi said...

Glad you're back to blogging - sorry to hear about you not feeling so great! I used to HATE bedtime - I would just lay there with a million things running through my head and I couldn't sleep! Finally I started taking half of a sleeping pill and putting a notepad and pen by my bed so I could write down things that I was thinking of and then fall asleep! It has worked wonders! I don't take the sleeping pill anymore and my list of what needs to be done is waiting for me when I wake up! GOOD LUCK!