Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun in the Garden

It's the lazy hazy days of August and not alot is going on around our house, so I thought I would update on the garden. If anyone has gardening advice, feel free to send it my way, because we have some funky stuff going on in our garden!

Savannah has started watering her watermelon twice a day and is still asking me everytime if we can pick it yet. We have found that watermelons are a perfect plant for kids to grow because you can actually see them growing! It is amazing how we can tell that it is getting bigger everytime we water!

Our cantaloupe is not doing so well. It stopped growing and now seems to be shrivelling up. I have no idea what happened to it and we haven't see any others pop up on the vine, although there are lots of flowers.

The cucumbers continue to grow and I think they are the best thing ever! They taste SO good! Fortunately for me, I am the only one who likes them!

Something weird is going on with our cucumber plants though. I planted two plants and only one is producing cucumbers. The other one looks like this. The leaves have yellow splotches and I am starting to see this on the plant that is producing now too. Does this mean it is dying?

Here is what happens to your tomato plants when you don't use large enough baskets to support their weight. I will probably be getting half as many tomatoes now, but hey, that's better than nothing!

I am happy to report that my lone squash plant is producing more squash! I think I have about 5 on it now and I am anxiously awaiting their growth so I can EAT them!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You'll soon be a pro at gardening! Too bad I have no advice to give you...