Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lessons Learned in the Garden

Our Garden

Lesson #1: Don't wait until after a fungus hits your garden to take action and use a fungicide. Fungicides are preventative and need to be used from the start. When you see symptoms, it is too late. Just ask my cucumbers.......

Lesson #2: The large tomato cages (which cost 50 cents more than the small ones) are definitely worth the extra money.

Lesson #3: Watermelon plants are not very fond of going a week with no water, even if you are on vacation. I left a message for our neighbor to water for me, I promise, but he obviously didn't get the message!

Lesson #4: Cantaloupe leaves are easy to grow......actual cantaloupes, not so easy! Why are my leaves so abundant with no fruit????

Lesson #5: Bright yellow squash are a great temptation to neighborhood critters. One squash plant does not produce enough squash to share!

Okay, so other than checking on my garden, I have been pretty busy since I got home from vacation doing this.....

It was my first ever experience solo canning! I helped my mom some when I was little and then she helped me do tomatoes once after I was married, but I have never attempted it on my own! Sad, but true! I am embarrassed to say I was raised in Utah and I am not a proficient canner! Anyway, my friend Erin talked me into it and gave me all the pointers on where to get the peaches and what to buy. I ended up getting my peaches for $6 for 60+ lbs. of "bruised or blemished peaches" from a local store. I was able to get 28 qts. of peaches and 4 pts. of freezer jam out of it. If I hadn't had to buy the canning jars, it would have been very economical! Caleb and Shelby worked with me and I think they actually enjoyed themselves. It was an all day affair and I couldn't believe what a mess it made in my kitchen, but it was worth it!


The Porter Family said...

I am so glad you blogged on canning because we have a peach and necatrine tree and get so much produce from it, and I've always been embaressed that I don't know how to can yet. (Same complex...Utah girl, mom canned, etc.) Now I will have to committ to trying it next year!

Jodi said...

The peaches look wonderful - good job! I have my peaches ordered and I'm just waiting for the phone to ring and have the orchard people tell me that they're ready! I'm so excited - I LOVE to can peaches! Such satisfaction!