Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Garden Update

The mystery is solved! Apparently my neighbor's daughter was visiting last Saturday and they sent her out to the garden to pick veggies. She didn't know that I have a small section of the garden, so she picked my squash by accident! Unfortunately there are no new squash growing yet. :(

We now have a cantaloupe and a watermelon growing! Savannah is beside herself with excitement and can't wait to pick and eat the watermelon. I am having a hard time convincing her that a watermelon the size of the palm of her hand would not taste very good! I am so glad that we decided to garden this year. It has been a really fun experience for our whole family! I just might be tempted to spend the money to take out some trees next year so we can have a full size garden in our yard!


Julie said...

You're putting our 2 3-foot tomato plants with not a single flower on them to shame! I'm sooo jealous and next year maybe you'll share a corner of your garden with us...or how about we bring the main course you do the side dishes?

The Porter Family said...

We did tomatoes again this year and I just ate our first one the other day! Nothing beats eating veggies from your own garden. Your post makes me think maybe I'll do more than tomatoes next year!

Jodi said...

I wish you lived closer...we could share garden veggies. I don't have near enough room to plant everything I want! (My gardens not so hot their year anyway!) Love reading your blog - it's so nice to stay in touch!