Sunday, August 3, 2008

Garden Surprises

My little garden is finally starting to produce! When we got home from day camp on Friday, I was able to pick my first cucumber! I peeled it, sliced it up, and we all shared it; well all of us that I could convince to have a taste anyway, in spite of the fact that it was a green vegetable! It was so yummy!

My watermelon and cantaloupe plants look great but they still haven't fruited. There are lots of flowers though, so we are holding out hope.

My tomatoes are coming along nicely, although they are growing out of their tomato cages. I think next year I will use larger cages. I didn't realize when I planted beefsteak tomatoes that the small cages would be completely insufficient to support them.

Two of my yellow squash plants have died, but the third is thriving. I have been watching a squash grow on it and was so excited to pick it. Then I went out this morning and the lone squash was GONE! There is no evidence of trauma to the plant, and my neighbors have all their squash plants on the other side of the garden, so I cannot believe they would have picked it by mistake. It has just vanished into thin air! I am so disappointed because I LOVE yellow squash! My dad has this great recipe where he cooks bacon, onions and yellow squash to death, leaving no semblance of nutrients, but it tastes SO good. I was looking forward to making some with my three squash plants, but it is looking more and more like I will be getting my squash from the grocery store again this year.


Unknown said...

The squirrels here steal all our vegies before we pick them. When they take your stuff they do not traumatize the plant - racoons can do that too but they are usually a little sloppier. We gave up on the garden but somehow our apple tree survives them!


Jodi said...

Sounds like a great garden - I have 3 tomato plants and have only picked one tomato! I think I need new (better)'s on my list of things to do before I plant next year!

Shannon said...

Ok, that's it-you're planting me a garden when you come & stay with me. Bring your gloves...