Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Trust Your Mommy Intuition

Caleb has been sick with mono for 6 weeks now. He has dragged all summer long. He has spent most of the time in his bed or on the couch. He complains all the time that different parts of his body hurt, but it was always something new and since the complaints weren't specific to one part of the body, I wasn't sure if I could call the dr. with that kind of non-descript complaint. I kept telling myself that this is what happens when you have mono and the tiredness, aches and pains would go away soon. But then I would see pictures that we had taken of him. He looked so weak and listless, his skin color was awful, and he had dark circles under his eyes. It shocked me everytime I looked at him and saw how bad he looked. However, not wanting to be the overactive parent, I waited till 5 1/2 wks. of mono to make another appointment at the doctor's office. The nurse practitioner that we saw was pretty rude. She basically chastised me for not waiting the full 6 wks. and told me that this was just how kids with mono acted.

I don't get mad much, but I was really MAD!!! I stood my ground and told her that when a 13 yr. old boy breaks down crying several times a week because he feels too bad to do anything, there is something wrong and I wasn't going to leave till she figured out what it was. So she agreed to check his white blood cell count (just to appease me, I think) and told me it would be low because that is what happens when you have mono. Unbelievably, she didn't even apologize to me when she came back in with the results......his white count was HIGH, indicating bacterial infection somewhere in his body. Caleb has now been on antibiotics 5 days and he is a different person! He has energy, he can go to the pool and swim with us, he actually smiles and laughs, life is good! I cannot believe that I waited so long to take him back to the dr. I really feel bad that he lost his whole summer to this. Hopefully he can have lots of fun on our family beach vacation next week and make up for some of this misery!


Shannon said...

Those darn DR.'s!!! Mommy knows best that's for sure. So glad to hear he is doing better!

Sonda said...

The one thing I learned from14 years of nursing is...LISTEN TO THE PARENTS!!! They know their child better than anyone. Good job for standing your ground. After being treated so rude, who knows how bad he would have gotten before you took him back in. Glad he's feeling better.

Julie said...

Okay, mother of the year is coming to mind! Way to stand your ground! I always figure they know what they're talking about and let them push me around...maybe you should lead a women's organization or something, 'ya think? Ha! Ha!

The Porter Family said...

Way to go Janine. I've had a few situations like that myself. I am so proud of you. It takes courage!

Darla said...

Poor sweet Caleb!! What was WRONG with that nurse practitioner? I don't understand, she thinks he should of just "dealt with it" until 6 weeks was up and THEN go in?? How miserable for a 13 yr. old. Geof. had mono around that age and still talks about how lame his life was that summer...poor guy.